Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Out With the Old, in With the New!

I have to say, I'm not sorry to see 2017 go. It felt like a crazy year to me. So much upheaval in the political arenas and around the world, so much unrest and many horrible events that left people devastated. And while my own little corner the world remained miraculously untouched, I'm still happy to be welcoming a brand new year. New Year's has long been my favorite holiday, with fresh starts and new beginnings all around. The possibilities seem endless and I can never wait to see what unfolds!

Despite the overall craziness of 2017, I had some really wonderful and unforgettable moments. From new chapters such as my son graduating high school and my nest officially becoming empty, to amazing life events like getting engaged in Venice, Italy. I wrote a lot and got a few new gigs, as well as making the decision to go back to college and finally (finally!) finish my degree!

Here's a quick year in review of my life:

I started out January staying pretty close to home. We'd enjoyed a Hawaii vacation in December, so I wasn't really wanting to travel much. That didn't last too long, however, and I took some smaller jaunts in February, March and April. I got to visit my daughter in Southern California, with lots of laughs and a great hike to Escondido Falls. And we launched summer with an epic trip to see Jack Johnson at  The Gorge Amphitheater, a graduation gift for my son.


We try to spend most of our summers exploring our own backyard in Alaska. It's easy to forget that we live in one of the most beautiful places on earth and that it's actually a much sought-after vacation destination. So, we spent some time in Homer,  went day-tripping along Anchorage's Turnagain arm and I saw my son off to college in Fairbanks.


B and I were all set to travel to Oaxaca, Mexico at the beginning of October. as a screenplay we'd written together was selected as a finalist in the Oaxaca Film Festival. Sadly, a series of earthquakes hit Mexico City and the Oaxaca region in September, which led to the cancellation of the festival events. While we were disappointed that we wouldn't be able to see Oaxaca or attend what looked like a really fun party, we totally understood that it wouldn't be right to have this kind of celebration while so many people were suffering. We pray that Mexico City rebuilds and offer peace and love to its citizens.

The end of October brought our much anticipated and planned-for tour of Europe. Neither of us had traveled internationally for a few years, and surprisingly. we'd never traveled abroad as a couple! It culminated with the magical moment of B proposing to me as we rode a gondola under the Bridge of Sighs (check out my Instagram for the whole story on that one!)


We got back from Europe in early November and the rest of the year was a whirlwind of family, holidays and fun.

2018 is setting up to be the best year yet for me, both personally and professionally. My kids are both thriving, my family is all healthy and I have a wedding to plan! We probably won't be doing any international trips this year, but that's okay. I'll still be traveling several places within the U.S. and you never know what the year can bring. Right now I've got trips to Vegas, Oakland, LA and Hawaii lined up, and I'm trying to figure out how to fit in a trip to Nashville with my dad! More on that later!

That's why I love the New Year. No matter what kind of struggles you may have had the year before, there's a promise in a new year. A feeling of hope that overflows into our hearts these first few weeks of January. My wish for you, and for all of us, is that all the hope we feel right now transcends into peace, love and purpose. Welcome 2018, I'm ready for ya!

All That Glitters (and all That's Tarnished) at the Golden Nugget

My guy and I just got back from a long weekend in Vegas. While weekends there are always on our regular travel rotation, we've never spe...