Saturday, September 30, 2017

Fitness Near or Far

I'm just going to admit it right now; I'm a little obsessed with exercise. I work out pretty much every day and when I don't, I'm really not a very nice person to be around.

Regular exercise reduces stress, helps insomnia and has been proven to be almost as effective as medication in treating depression and anxiety.  It also makes it a little easier for me to enjoy my other favorite thing in life - food! I am a total foodie and if I can't eat the things I love, well, that makes me sad. And since sad, anxious or stressed aren't things I like to be, staying in shape has become one of my highest priorities.

In my daily life, I stick to a pretty strict schedule, working out at least six days a week and rotating between weights, running, spin class and yoga. Travel can throw a big wrench into that schedule and it would be easy to dump my workouts, but I've found that it's just as important, if not moreso, to stay active when I'm on the road. Travel can wreak havoc on our systems. Between long plane rides, jet lag, food we might not be used to, and crazy international time zones, our bodies can sometimes falter and we end up exhausted (or even ill) which can ruin the best of vacations.

I can't quite keep my workout routine intact, but I have figured out a few ways to incorporate fitness into my schedule, no matter where I am:

Pack those shoes
First off, pack your workout gear. Running shoes, a sports bra, a couple pair of shorts and tops, none of this takes up much space and just having them with you can motivate you to work out.

Fitness-friendly hotels
When I'm booking hotels for a trip, I always try to find one that has a gym. Even a small gym has everything you need, and having it right there makes it easy to get up in the morning and get 'er done before you head off to sightsee. This is the workout room at the Sheraton Gateway at LAX, which has newer equipment and a nice view of the pool.

Make a run for it
If you don't have access to a gym, go for a run. Jogging through residential neighborhoods in a new city helps you see things on a whole different level. There's nothing like coming across a unique coffee shop or seeing the architecture of a city from a runner's view.

Schedule a race
I've run 5ks, 10ks and half-marathons in places like Hawaii, Vancouver and even Texas! Planning a trip around a race, or signing up for a race that happens to be going on at your vacation destination, will keep you training and give you a goal to achieve. And as you can see, it's also an awesome thing to do as a couple. This is me and B, finishing the Maui 10k together a couple years ago.

Take a class
Whenever we're in Hawaii, we seek out at least one or two yoga classes. I've found that most fitness studios offer drop-in rates, whether it's yoga, pilates or even a gym. It's fun to go to a yoga or spin class in a different city and see how they do it. We've met some cool people at some of these classes too!

Get some wheels
B and I often rent bikes if they are available when we travel. Many towns have paved bike paths and there's nothing more fun than biking along the beach on a sunny day, or exploring the backroads of an international city.

Climb every mountain
Okay I don't climb mountains (I'm not crazy!) but I do love a good hike. Again, it's a great way to get a different perspective on a destination. Getting out into nature has given us the opportunity to see parts of the country we might not otherwise get to see. Here's B at the Hollywood sign, a fun an relatively easy hike.

And this is Maui's Haleakala crater. We hiked down into the crater and then back up. All I can say is altitude is no joke! Hiking up was wayyyy harder than hiking down!


Just walk it off
When I travel, I try to walk as much as I can. The last time I was in San Francisco with my kids, we walked across the Golden Gate bridge and all the way to Saulsalito, where we had lunch and took the ferry back across the bay. It was a long walk but not strenueous, and made for a very lovely and memorable afternoon. I don't get to enjoy these kind of days with my children very often anymore, so their willingness to go along for the ride made the day extra special.

We also did some serious walking around at Valley Forge when we visited Philadelphia last year. It's pretty much all flat ground, and we got to combine history with getting some fresh air. My dad especially liked pretending to shoot the cannons!

With just a bit of planning, you can enjoy your travels while still making your health a priority. There are too many places I've yet to see in this amazing world, and the last thing I want is to have those plans compromised by poor health. So stay on that path of fitness, no matter where you may roam. You'll be glad you did!

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